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Information and news about Canadian Welding Services

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There’s an endless amount of information on the web about whether or not to choose a career in welding. Some of it is valuable, fact-based information. And some of it is nonsense. Navigating through it all can be a daunting task, so we’ve taken the liberty to expose 3 common myths about working in the welding industry.

MYTH 1: You Need a College Diploma to Get a Welding Job

A well-paying job in the welding industry does not require a college degree or diploma. Welding students don’t need to sit through years of optional courses and long classroom days to get ready for their career. We offer a 10-week program that focusses on hands-on, practical training and certification with the Canadian Welding Bureau. Upon successful completion, students are fully prepared to start an exciting career in welding. 

MYTH 2:  All Welders Do The Same Thing

This is a common perception problem about welding that couldn’t be further from the truth. Most people are unaware of how broad and exciting welding industry fields are. Welding touches just about every sector; electronics, agriculture, construction, transportation, shipbuilding, and the list goes on. Welders have many options for a dynamic, exciting career. And if one industry suffers, welders can always move along and follow the work.

“There’s hundreds of different welding jobs out there. From welders mig bashing garden gates to high integrity pipe welders tig welding nuclear submarines, I like to think there’s a welding job for everyone” – Experienced welder in the industry

MYTH 3: There’s No Advancement in The Welding Industry

Welders of all experience levels are in high demand across Canada, from entry-level welders all the way to experts. Our entry-level course fully prepares students to get their first welding job and gain much needed work place experience. From there, welders have many opportunities for advancement available to them. Whether a welder opens his/her own shop and charts their own destiny or a company supports welder training upgrades, there are many opportunities to move up in the industry and pay scale.

If you are interested in learning more about the welding industry or would like to join Canadian Welding Skills, contact us today.